Central Electric Power Cooperative Participates in Associated Electric Cooperative’s Take Control & Save Energy Efficiency PILOT Program
Central Electric Power Cooperative received approval for its lighting retrofit project to be a PILOT project under Associated Electric Cooperative’s Take Control & Save Energy Efficiency PILOT Program. As a Take Control & Save Energy Efficiency PILOT Energy Efficiency Program participant, Central will receive a rebate of up to 50% of the costs of the lighting upgrade project at Central’s headquarters facilities.
Central will replace all of its existing 40 Watt T-12 fluorescent lights and fixtures with more energy efficient 32 Watt T-8 fluorescent bulbs fixtures. In addition to the office lighting, Central is also retrofitting the lighting systems in its warehouse and garage area. Overall the combined lighting project is expected to achieve a combined simple payback of approximately two and a half years.
An energy audit was conducted by Energy Services, Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia to determine the potential energy savings from the lighting retrofit project. The audit was a part of the PILOT program process and was funded by Associated.