SPRINGFIELD, MO – The 66-megawatt, two-unit Chamois Power Plant will close Sept. 30, followed by sale of the 60-year-old coal plant and all its generating equipment.
Potential coal power plant and equipment buyers will find the generating equipment at Chamois Power Plant in excellent working condition, as it continues to generate electricity until it closes Sept. 30. Major generating components for sale include a Riley boiler, Babcock & Wilcox boiler and Allis Chalmers turbine generator. Details about the pending power plant and equipment sale are available from Steve Murray at Associated at 417-885-9208 and smurray@aeci.org.
Built in 1953, with a second unit added in 1960, the coal plant on 25 acres in Chamois in central Missouri gets coal delivered by Union Pacific Railroad. The coal power plant is tied into the transmission system that delivers power for Associated Electric Cooperative. The power plant burns an average of 226,000 tons of bituminous and sub-bituminous coal annually.
Chamois Power Plant also has tested burns of an organic 1 percent biomass blend of coal mixed with wood waste, wood pellets, railroad ties, shelled corn, corn cobs and walnut hulls. The corn biomass came from a local farm and the walnut biomass, damaged in a tornado, was used as fuel instead of going to a landfill.
The biomass is a renewable energy resource that made the Chamois Power Plant part of a program of green energy Associated has offered to members since 2003. The coal plant’s 66-MW size and location, as well as the setup of its generating equipment, made it possible for the two-unit power plant to experiment with renewable fuels. In addition, its proximity to the University of Missouri campuses in Rolla and Columbia, as well as Lincoln University, and to state departments and agencies in nearby Jefferson City facilitated applied biomass and CO2 algae research at the coal plant during the last 10 years.
The Chamois Power Plant and generating equipment sale will be announced after its closure Sept. 30.
Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. is owned by and provides wholesale power to six regional and 51 local electric cooperative systems in Missouri, southeast Iowa and northeast Oklahoma that serve more than 875,000 customers. Associated’s mission is to provide an economical and reliable power supply and support services to its members, including the “Take Control & Save” energy efficiency program, www.TakeControlAndSave.coop. Associated is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. is owned by and provides wholesale power to six regional and 51 local electric cooperative systems in Missouri, southeast Iowa and northeast Oklahoma that serve more than 875,000 customers. Associated’s mission is to provide an economical and reliable power supply and support services to its members, including the “Take Control & Save” energy efficiency program, www.TakeControlAndSave.coop. Associated is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.